Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I think I hate this blog.

Okay, not really.

But I do think this blog might be bad for my self-esteem.

My original intent for this blog was to be a place where I could put all of my random ideas and thoughts that I thought were good enough to be placed in public (or semi-public) view. Well, I'm a very scattered person and as such my thoughts careen around in a some-what random fashion. I get really inspired to do something - or be someone - one day and then next it's gone. Which is okay when it's just thought. But once you take that thought and make it "flesh" - or in this case, a blog - then you have a sense of accountability. There are actual people reading my words and, in a small way, holding me to what I said I'd do. Which brings me to this confession:

I can't finish anything.

I can't count how many things I've started and never finished - craft projects, household projects, my education - or how many things I've always said I wanted to do and never even started for fear of not finishing them. And, I've come to realize that all this blog is accomplishing is emphasizing the fact that I haven't finished a darn thing. My podcast? Dead. Blogging every day for the month of November? Dead. Blogging everyday for a year? Soooooo dead. Blogging every day for March? Why do I even keep trying?

It's like a parade of my suckiness. A cavalcade of non-accomplishment. A promenade of procrastination.

Every day mocking me and constantly reminding me of what I have failed to do.

So, what do I do?

I enjoy blogging and having a place for my thoughts to roam free. But at the same time, I hate feeling guilty over the things I've said I'd do and haven't. So, I'm stuck - rock meet hard place. Maybe I should just accept that this is who I am. A person of grand ideas and really poor follow through. All thought and no action. All idealism and no honesty.

Or maybe I should get up off my butt and do something?

Where's the magic 8-ball when I need it?

Monday, March 24, 2008


I am not a master chef. I can handle most things that come in a box, pasta, and browning hamburger. Anything more complicated than that and it's a totally different ball game.

Well, last week I was at work and I got a craving for stuffed peppers. I wasn't entirely sure what actually went into a stuffed pepper but at that moment I figured it couldn't be that hard. So, I looked up some recipes and made one up based on two that I found that didn't sound too hard and I was off to the grocery store.

I have to say that I was pretty pleased with the result. There are a few things that I would change for next time around but all in all it turned out well. And they looked awesome! I'm pretty proud of myself. I'm like Emeril! BAM!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Movies I've never seen

1. Fight Club (well, I've never seen all of it - I tend to fall asleep)
2. Goonies
3. The Jungle Book
4. Schindler's List
5. Fatal Attraction
6. The Godfather (any of them)
7. Pulp Fiction
8. Lord of the Rings (any of them)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Cars I'd like to own

1. Mini cooper

2. Prius

3. New Beetle Convertible

4. Smart Car

5. Del Sol

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cats in my house

1. Benny - the first cat

2. Mimi - the littlest cat

3. Snarf - the new cat

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Weird things about me

1. I hate for my food to touch
2. I rub my eyebrows when I'm thinking or when I'm fidgety
3. When I get a bagel from Bread Company I get it bread sliced, then I put cream cheese on each piece to make sure I'll have enough, then I eat it
4. I make up nicknames for everything
5. I make sure the blankets are perfectly straight before I go bed
6. When I get out of the shower I dry my hair first, then work my way down my body so I won't drip and have to re-dry something

I guess that's enough of my neurosis out for everyone to see!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stuff I know how to do

1. sing
2. crochet
3. cross stitch
4. bake
5. sew (sort of)
6. record and edit audio
7. design a crappy html website
8. drive

I'm sure I know how to do more than eight things, but I just can't think of anything else. But hey! - eight things isn't to bad. :-)

Monday, March 10, 2008

States I've been to

1. Missouri
2. Illinois
3. Indiana
4. New York
5. Colorado
6. Kansas
7. Ohio
8. Michigan
9. Iowa
10. Minnesota
11. Wisconsin (if a three hour layover counts)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Cool Restaurants

1. Olympia
2. Pho Grand
3. Nortons
4. McGurks
5. Del Pietro's

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Movies I like

1. Equilibrium
2. Becoming Jane
3. Rent
4. Lucky Number Slevin
5. Help
6. Moulin Rouge
7. Tombstone
8. Serenity
9. Dogma

Friday, March 7, 2008

Jabba the Cat

Oh my god - that's too funny. That cat is too fat for words!

Places I'd like to see

1. Eiffel Tower

2. the ocean (any ocean)

3. the grand canyon

4. Africa

5. Washington D.C.

6. New York City

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Things I want to learn to do

1. play the piano
2. play the guitar
3. cook
4. knit
5. speak French
6. design websites
7. yoga
8. give a really good sermon

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Favorite Bands/Artists

1. The Beatles
2. Dave Matthews Band
3. Phish
4. Jethro Tull
5. Maroon 5
6. Joni Mitchell
7. Tori Amos

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Favorite Food

1. Mashed potatoes

2. Cracker Barrel Hash brown casserole

3. Oreo Cakesters - if you don't know what these are - you are missing out! They are like oreo cookies but cake! Go buy them . . . . NOW!

4. Hummus - mmmmm garbanzo beans

5. Galataboureko - I love Greek food. This is the best custard/honey/dough thing ever - it's even better if you heat it up.

6. Punch-bowl cake - Take a big yellow cake and mush it into piece in a big bowl, then add vanilla pudding and strawberries, mandarin oranges, bananas, and pineapples, stir, then top with big giant layer of cool whip. The best dessert ever!

I know that there are others things I like too - but I can't think of them right now. And now I really want Greek food. Mmmmmmmm.

Monday, March 3, 2008

I actually did something

I actually made some good progress on my craft/crap room. Here's the photo proof!

Favorite Books

1. Illusions - Richard Back
2. Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff - Christopher Moore
3. Sweet Revenge - Nora Roberts
4. The Irresistible Revolution: Living Life as an Ordinary Radical - Shane Claiborne

Sunday, March 2, 2008

My To-Do List for Today

1. Go to church
2. Vacuum the house
3. Go through my clothes and decide what to get rid of
4. Work on cleaning up my craft/crap room

Doesn't that sound like fun?!?!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Favorite Websites

Today is March 1st and that means it's the beginning of yet another attempt to blog every day for a month. This month's theme is lists. So, every day for the month of March I will blogging with a different list. Today's list is Favorite Websites:

1. Craft Magazine This website and the magazine that goes with it is one of the most fun crafting related sites out there. I love seeing all the new things they find.

2. Boing Boing The folks who contribute to this blog have the uncanny nack for finding the strangest things on the internet and in the news.

3. Penny Arcade A blog and online comic drawn by geeks for geeks.

4. Wow Insider My one stop shop for all my World of Warcraft related news and goodies. (P.S. - I'm finally 70!)

5. Craftster Another really great craft website. Basically just a giant forum where people can post all their crafty wares. I've gotten many a good idea from this site.

6. Treehugger This site is great for all the latest in green news.

7. Grist Magazine Another great green website. They have some really in depth but easy to understand articles and everything you could ever want to know about being green.

8. Flickr A great photo-sharing site. I love being able to look at snippets of people's lives.

Coolest Cake EVAR!!!

This woman is my hero. This has to be the coolest cake I've ever seen. You too can make your very own Yoda cake by following the directions here.