Monday, March 12, 2007

Chocolate of the Week #2

My taste buds are very happy to present this week's CHOCOLATE OF THE WEEK:

Godiva Chocoiste Solid Milk Chocolate

I was at the mall yesterday looking for a birthday present for my mom with no success - but I did manage to find the Godiva store! This store is my personal heaven. Chocolate everywhere. I was almost dizzy with all the delicious options that were available to me! But I am a woman on a budget (see my post from 3/7) and I didn't want to break the bank - even for a moment of pure chocolate bliss. Lucky for me I happened upon Godiva's new Chocoiste line of chocolate. Small affordable (just $3.17 with tax for a 1.5 oz bar) goodies with sophisticated packaging that whispers seductively, "You know you want me."

And I was not disappointed. This is a fine (like "oooh your ass if fine!") chocolate. I've only eaten one out of the four small squares that the bar is segmented into and the taste is still lingering. My craving is satisfied from one small bite - that is the mark of a good chocolate!

Godiva Chocoiste Milk Chocolate gets 7 bars!

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