Saturday, June 23, 2007

Instantaneous Book Review

I love words. I love hearing words, reading words, and expressing words - either spoken or written. Words shape our communication, give it depth and meaning. The words you speak define who you are and stay with you forever. The right words, chosen very carefully, can speak straight to your soul.

There are certain books that you know, from the moment you read the first few words, that will change your life. Your heart starts to tremble, and your eyes well up in tears that won't fall because you know that this book was written for you. Intellectually you know that the author does not know you personally or know your heart - but emotionally, in your soul, you know that this book made its way to you for a reason.

I have read two "chapters" out of 108 of Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and I know, with unfailing certainty, that this book is amazing. I am already looking forward to the journey that this book will take me on. But enough of my words - time to read someone else's.

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