Friday, August 3, 2007

Real Life Sucks

I wanna go back on vacation.

You know what's so great about vacations? True vacations are free from bills, from responsiblity, from worry, from having to do the dishes, from work, from stupid annoying people at work, from school work, from feeling inadequate, from feeling spiritually bereft, from fulfilling family obligations. A true vacation leaves you completely free to do and think as you please - to let your mind and body wander wherever they choose to go.

But then you come back. You feel different, you think you're different - but then you find out that you are the exact same person as before and all your shit has been waiting for you, perhaps piling up, for your triumphant return. I miss vacation-me already. She may have been sunburned, but she ate better, and spent more time outside, and got more exercise, and tried new things, and didn't need to check her email ever 2 minutes, didn't need to have cell phone reception at all times, didn't need for every moment of every day to be occupied with . . . . crap.

I left vacation-me at the airport. I picked up my "baggage" and left her there, wearing her cheesehead, riding the luggage carousel.


Anonymous said...

Yup. It sure does.

Anonymous said...

There's that fake smile we all know and love.