Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My First Love

I have the bug. The sickness. The addiction. The yen, if you will.

And that yen is for, of course, podcasting.

This should come as no surprise to anyone who knows me. I had fully intended this for this blog to be about all the various things in my life that make me more than a geek (hence the name, Not Just A Geek). But after calling my husband at work squealing with glee that SCOTT SIGLER and TEE MORRIS posted on MY blog he said:

"Babe, maybe you should call this thing 'Just a Geek.'"

At first I was slightly offended. But then I realized that he was right. My blog has become all about my obsession - podcasting.

Which brought me back to: Why don't I create a podcast?

But I've tried it before, very unsuccessfully in fact. But there is something about podcasting that is so alluring. It's like a compulsion. I HAVE to create a podcast. Now I need a topic. Something that will entertain myself and hopefully others for more than one episode. Think, damn me, THINK!!!

Stay tuned . . . .

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