Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Summer's End

Did you ever notice how when you are a kid you use the school calendar to mark time? How your life was ruled Christmas (they weren't using the PC "winter") vacation, spring break, and summer vacation?

I find it interesting that even has an adult with no children I still, on some level, mark time in the same fashion. When summer begins I feel as if work should be ceasing and all responsibilities should be lifted and when the school supplies start hitting the shelves and the fall clothes appear on the racks I find myself hunkering down and readily picking up new responsibilities and attacking old ones with an unknown fervor.

This summer has gone far to quickly. There was so much more that I wanted to do, to see, to get organized before life got hectic and crazy again. But here I sit at summer's end being thrust back into responsibility, into life. I am eager for what is to come, but I miss summer already and wait expectantly for her return.


Anonymous said...

Summer is a she???

Anonymous said...

I get the feeling that I will always be ruled by vacations...

Jessie said...

As a soon to be teacher, are you surpised by that?