Saturday, April 28, 2007

Just a Geek

This past Wednesday I believe I may have forever cemented my fate as a geek. To celebrate one of the 10,000,000,000 different Star Wars anniversaries the USPS created 400 R2D2 mailboxes and scattered them throughout the US. When I heard about this I knew that I had to see it there was one near me. I could think of nothing better than having my picture taken with an R2D2 mailbox!

So, this past Wednesday me and a friend set out on a epic journey throughout St. Louis in search of the elusive R2D2 mailbox. It really wasn't as difficult as I make it sound. Someone with WAY more free time than I has taken the time to list out where all the assorted mailboxes were located along with pictures (I love frapper). Turns out there are 4 mailboxes in St. Louis. On Wednesday I visited two of them.

Here are some pictures of the mailbox (and me) that is located in downtown Clayton on Central Ave:

And here is the one on Delmar Blvd. in the St. Louis Loop:

It was drizzling outside and kind of cold (for April) but this adventure was the most fun I've had in while. Go find the R2D2 near you!


Anonymous said...

Beep bop bo beeeep!

Jessie said...

I love comments!

Anonymous said...

You're kind of odd. But I love you a bunch anyway. Waaayyyy to happy to see R2 in the last pic though.