Monday, March 12, 2007

Chocolate of the Week #2

My taste buds are very happy to present this week's CHOCOLATE OF THE WEEK:

Godiva Chocoiste Solid Milk Chocolate

I was at the mall yesterday looking for a birthday present for my mom with no success - but I did manage to find the Godiva store! This store is my personal heaven. Chocolate everywhere. I was almost dizzy with all the delicious options that were available to me! But I am a woman on a budget (see my post from 3/7) and I didn't want to break the bank - even for a moment of pure chocolate bliss. Lucky for me I happened upon Godiva's new Chocoiste line of chocolate. Small affordable (just $3.17 with tax for a 1.5 oz bar) goodies with sophisticated packaging that whispers seductively, "You know you want me."

And I was not disappointed. This is a fine (like "oooh your ass if fine!") chocolate. I've only eaten one out of the four small squares that the bar is segmented into and the taste is still lingering. My craving is satisfied from one small bite - that is the mark of a good chocolate!

Godiva Chocoiste Milk Chocolate gets 7 bars!

The Good and The Bad

It's Monday and I'm exhausted. It's amazing how much difference losing one hour to Daylight Savings Time makes. Just when I was starting to get used to it being light out when I woke up in the morning - it's dark again! I've had a series of fairly late nights recently which is pretty rare in my life (I'm already 80 in stamina) - add that in with everything else and it made for one zombiefied redhead this morning.

I drove to work in a complete daze, listening to the dulcet tones of Phil Rossi's podcast, Filling the Page. I just recently discovered Filling the Page so I'm playing the catch up game. This morning I was listening to a Halloween themed episode in which he told a sufficiently creepy short story called "Potbelly." The story hadn't finished by the time I had arrived in the parking lot so I sat in my car to hear the rest (the mark of a good story). The rest of my morning my mind would lazily wander back to the creepier aspects of the story and I found myself looking over my shoulder quite a few times.

So, this morning started bad but I had a good podcast to perk me up (and scare the pants right off me!) and never fear - we have another chocolate review today!! I'm most excited about this review - well really I'm most excited about eating this chocolate. So, stay tuned for the goodness.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Real Estate Madness!!!

When Nate (my husband) and I decided to buy a house it was a very exciting time. We were anxious to begin the second to last stage of adulthood (the last being kids) and stop paying rent to people we hate. We had big dreams of vibrant wall color and fancy floors, new furniture and art on the walls. It was bliss . . . . for about a week.

Now we are entrenched, ass deep, in the murk and filth that is real estate. Why didn't anyone warn us? Give a heads up? A "Hey - just so you know - buying a house is probably one of the most complicated things you'll ever do - and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is that you'll be in debt for the rest of your life!"

There is so much technical lingo and jargon being thrown around I feel like we've landed in a foreign country where the language and customs are all different. Escrow, underwriters, earnest money, building inspections, appraisals, contract addendums, and fees, FEES, FEES!!!

But in the midst of all the confusion and mayhem we have done it. We have found our first house. Is it the best house? No. Do we love it? Yes. Does it need work? You bet ya! (And we're just young and foolish enough to think fixing it ourselves is going to be fun.) Is it affordable? Well, we won't have to subsist on ramen for the next thirty years but I don't think we'll be buying that yacht anytime soon.

We haven't closed yet and there's a lot of work to be done - but it already feels like our house. I'm ready to rip out some 70s shag carpet and make my mark.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Chocolate of the Week #1

I've recently developed an addiction to chocolate - and not just any chocolate - fancy chocolate. My standards for fancy are pretty low right now (until recently I thought the caramel Hershey's Kiss was fancy) but I'm trying to broaden my horizons and I decided I would document it here.

So, without further ado, this week's CHOCOLATE OF THE WEEK is:

Newman's Own Organics Milk Chocolate

I'm kind of an eco-hippie as of late so I like that this chocolate is organic. But besides that, it left much to be desired. It definitely wasn't bad . . . . it was just bland. It doesn't list the cacao (the tree who's seeds are used to make cocoa and chocolate) content on the wrapper anywhere but, from the taste, I would say that it's probably fairly low. Now I must admit that I am sick so my findings could be slightly off, but over all, I give this chocolate 4 out of 10 bars (chocolate bars that is!).

Friday, March 2, 2007

Podcast Envy

I suffer from a severe case of podcast envy.

I love podcasts. I'm addicted to podcasts. I want nothing else in life but to be a podcaster . . . well, that may be a little extreme - but you're getting my point, right?

I discovered podcasting about two years ago and immediately fell in love with the medium. It took about a year and half to decide that I wanted to be one of the cool kids and start my own podcast. If only I knew then what I know now.

I suck at podcasting.

I hate the sound of my voice, I talk too fast, I'm too breathy, all those things that generally make someone undesirable to listen to. I had nothing to talk about. Everything I thought was interesting was already being done and there were no new ideas bouncing around this brain.

So, my podcast career has died. Long live the Not Just A Geek podcast. But I decided to do the next best thing - A BLOG!! I'm excited about this blog. I never done a blog before and I'm not entirely sure the shape this blog will take, but I hope that a few people will find it interesting enough to read and put on the rss feeds.

I'm a pretty random person. I like lots of different things: sci-fi, video games, crafting, books of all kinds, music, theater -so this blog is probably going to be a bit of a mish mash of all that and more.

So, thanks in advance for reading this far and hopefully you'll come back to see what's new and exciting.